sreda, 28. november 2012

Mornings in Prague

My photos capture how people in Prague and the city itself awakens in the morning. The idea was to take pictures of random people in the city and try to capture their morning routine. Of people eating breakfast, drinking coffee, walking the dog and performing sanitation duties. Besides that I also wanted to take some pictures of the city in the morning light. I basically wanted to capture the feeling of a morning in Prague, how the city changes when it is shined by the first sun light and also how people behave at that time. Mornings can be very diverse for different people. People rushing through the streets because they are late or impatiently waiting for their tram and then there are some who just take their time and enjoy their mornings.
In my final selection of photographs you can see people performing their morning work, waiting for a metro in an empty station, taking a walk and also some photographs that show the general feeling of a morning. 
It would also be interesting for me to compare how Czech people are spending their mornings in comparison to Slovenian people. But since our cultures are not that different, as I came to notice, I think I won't find many differences, but if I do anyway, I think that would be that much more interesting. Maybe one day in the future, when i will be living back in Slovenia, I can continue this project and capture on camera how people are spending their mornings in Ljubljana. 

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